Monday, February 07, 2005

Interesting Links, few comments...

I'm still taking in way more information than I am willing to comment on at this time. Instead of commentary, tonight I have selected links to articles I have found of interest. Happy reading.

A Breathtaking Budget

City Will Request a Quick Decision on Gay Marriage
New York City may step forward for citizens' marriage rights

FOIA Eyes Only
The US Gov't and the torture memos problem

Christian Family Values
and how they've changed over time

Sony, IBM, and friends
This is a bit of a departure for this blog, but if this continues to progress as it is, I will finally be leaving the Nintendo camp for Sony and the PlaySatation III. There's only so much abuse a Final Fantasy fan can withstand, and I have not heard anything from Nintendo that sounds like it could even remotely compete with this. And if I put the words "God" and "Politics" under here, I can pretend like it's related somehow.

1 comment:

me said...

Bless ya Bro.

A Well-Dressed Revolution