Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Bill Moyer protects his ears...

So apparently this is Bill Moyer, a 71 year old veteran who carefully discerns just what exactly passes through his ears. I stumbled across this photo as I was browsing the Boing Boing feed on my Bloglines account and couldn't resist sharing him with you. I really wanted to let you know more about him, but an article on Canada's National Post site was all that my and Google searches could turn up. Instead, I now bring you replica ear covers, courtesy of The Talent Show. Just click on Bill's lovely ear-covered mug for a spiffy .pdf of the BS protectors.

Today's link-infested fun-filled post is brought to you courtesy of a rampant case of unmedicated Adult ADD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, i found your site through your comment u left for the dead youth pastor. i liked your comment, it's what i was not bold enough to say. but i really wanted to.

A Well-Dressed Revolution